Thursday, September 29, 2011

when it rains, it floods

after the devastating typhoon named pedring, here comes the aftermath--floods.

heavy rains cause river to swell. high tide is coming as well and the worst part of it, the dam. water will be released because it is already above water level. if the releasing of water should not be done, the dam will be destroyed.

oh God! please help us.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

my stick family!

i have come out with a stick version of me, louie and luis! from

connecting hate

yes, super typhoon Pedring (Nerta) left us with a lot of reasons to be mad about. imagine, it was my first time to pack my things (and luis' too) and headed strait to my neighbor's house! evacuees we were! aside from this, no electricity, and we all knew that without power(electricity) there would be no water supply too!

what else you may ask? well, since there's no power, no water, what freaked me out as well was there's no signal! my cellphone wasn't working unable to receive and send and worst, the battery had been drained because i had been trying to send and connect with the network. okay, enough of this.

oh! super typhoon i super, duper hate you!